Coming soon
From the next release (i124) the look and feel of RotaMaster will change. The default skin will be changed for all users to 'WXI' - this is currently available by going to User Settings > Change Skin
New Features
1. Rule Break Details on Rota Rollout
When rules break at the point of rolling out the live rota from the 'Manage Calendar' screen, you can now see which rules have broken so that you can decide whether to override them or not.
2. Staff Hub Leave Calendar can be Permission Based
You can now restrict the amount of annual leave that staff can view in the Staff Hub Leave Calendar based on their Staff Hub Security Level (set up in their Personnel Profile > Rota > Staff Hub Settings). For example, this can be limited to only people within their team. This setting can be enabled in Configuration > Default Settings > Options > Leave and Adjustments.
3. Expand Dashboards
Dashboards can now be expanded by dragging the arrow between each section into the section you want to be filled.
4. Leave+ Only - Normal Working Days
If your staff members don't work regular days, you can now set the amount of days a person usually works per week in their Leave Settings. These will then be used to calculate the duration of their Annual Leave requests or adjustments. Note: this can only be used with Annual Leave units that are in days.
Other Changes
1. We have made some improvements to our 'Adjustment Reasons' tab within 'Rota Settings' to make it easier to navigate, such as replacing the blue banner with bold text for default adjustment reasons, grouping all tickboxes together and changing the default colour from black to transparent.
2. The following actions can now be done in bulk on Rota Weekly Viewer by holding down the ctrl key and multi selecting: Assign flags, quick upload, delete shifts.
3. When setting up Availability for staff in 'Set Availabilities', the tab key can now be used to move through each field in order.
4. When assigning a future Primary Post from Personnel Manager > Posts, you will now see a warning to alert you that the current Primary Post will have its Primary status removed on the commence date of the new one.
5. You can see a future Post's commence date when hovering over the star icon on a future Primary Post in Personnel Manager > Posts.
6. In report [627]: Starters and Leavers, the columns in the export show either 'Starter' or 'Leaver' instead of a 0 or 1.
Bug Fixes
1. Pressing the back arrow on the start date in 'Edit Shift' in the live rota was not changing the day. Pressing the back arrow now takes you to the previous day.
2. When adding a skill to a shift created using 'Add Shift', saving and then re-opening it, the 'Created by' field was showing blank. It now displays the admin name, as expected.
3. When adding a new skill to a shift created using 'Add Shift', the new skill would replace the original one. All skills now show on each shift.
4. Sickness records that had been manually marked as complete were still showing in the 'Outstanding Sickness' panel within the 'My Tasks' dashboard. These no longer show in this section.
5. Declining an approved leave cancellation request was not working correctly. Cancellation requests can now be approved as expected.
6. When using the Firefox browser to create Bank Assignments on the Staff Hub and refreshing the page, it would reload the 'Bank Shifts' tab instead. The correct tab now loads upon refresh.
7. Mandatory Training in the Staff Hub was not showing in the correct date order. It now displays in chronological order.