23rd July 2024 Release


New Features and Changes

1. When an admin attempts to open a shift that is already open by another user, a read only version is opened and a message is displayed to notify the user.

2. The 'Zones' column is now populated for adjustments in the 'Detailed Output with Department Code' export.

3. People+ - When using the default setting for 'Prevent staff being added to a shift if mandatory training has expired', the rule break can now be overridden and a comment added so that staff can be entered into shifts if necessary.

4. People+ - Line Manager permissions can now be applied to Overtime so that admins can only approve and manage overtime for staff they line manage.

5. People+, Leave+ - Line Manager permissions can now be applied to Leave so that admins can only approve and manage leave for staff they line manage.

6. People+ - A new notification has been created to alert admins when a staff member's passport is due to expire. This can be set up in Notification Manager.


Bug Fixes

1. Shift swaps now check that both staff members have the correct Rota Group access to work the offered shift.

2. 'Date left' is now retained in the personnel record when saving and exiting the record, and then re-opening it.

3. When using 'Set New Rates' and deselecting some hours, the new rates are applied correctly to the relevant hours.

4. People+ - When opening a finance record, the 'No Shift Work Payable' option is selected by default.

5. People+ - Benefits are no longer displayed in payroll exports after the benefit end date.

6. People+ - Pay rates that are attached to an historic contract are able to be hidden. 

7. People+ - After running the Post End Wizard, the post end date is now retained in the personnel record.

8. People+ - Admins are no longer forced to record an archive reason when entering a leaving date against an employee when the default setting for 'Automatically archive staff on leaving' is ticked.

9. People+, Leave+ - When actioning a leave request where the duration does not match the staff member's working days/hours, you are now always asked if you want to recalculate the leave duration to match the working days/hours.

10. People+ - When a sickness record is created for a day that includes multiple shifts, only one day of leave is recorded. 

11. People+, Leave+ - A day off can be successfully requested via the Staff Hub on an Android mobile device as the keyboard is no longer hidden when typing a comment.