Adding a Shift Adjustment

This guide will explain how to add a Shift Adjustment to the live rota.

There are two parts to the Shift Adjustment process, initially you will need to make sure you have all the relevant Adjustment Reasons (e.g. Bonus) enabled for use as a Shift Adjustment then we will cover how to add an adjustment to a particular shift.

1. Enable a Reason for a Shift Adjustment.

Click here for a guide on how to set up a new Adjustment Reason, but in this guide we will concentrate on how to make them a Shift Adjustment.

To do this, go to Rota > Rota Settings > Adjustment Reasons.

Double click or use the blue edit pen to open the reason then make sure the Shift Adjustment box is ticked, then click save.


 2. Adding a Shift Adjustment:

To add a Shift Adjustment, please go to the View Rota tab then, using the filter options down the left side of the screen, select at least a date range and Rota Group

Double click or use the blue edit pen to edit the shift you want to add an adjustment to. The below screen will then appear and you will need to select the tab labelled Adjustments.

Click the green plus symbol towards the left of the screen, the Adjustment Detail screen will then appear as below. 

From this box you are able to add the timing of the Shift Adjustment, use the drop-down to add the reason for your adjustment (as enabled at the beginning of this guide), add a type of adjustment, add a Pay Rate Group, duration of the break on the shift, if it should be paid for or not and also add any comments to explain why the adjustment has been added. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. Once you have used all of the fields you require, click Save.