Adding an SMS number

When sending an SMS from RotaMaster you can add a phone number which the recipient will see as the sender phone number.

This can be set so that each Rota Group has its own separate sender phone number 

Go to Rota > Rota Settings > Rota Groups 

Select the Rota Group you want to add a phone number for, then click the edit pen .

In the new window navigate to the 'Staff Hub Settings' tab: 

In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, you will see:

Add the number you wish your staff members to see when receiving an SMS from your service in the box provided and click Save 

When you send an SMS out from Staff Hub Admin, this number will be displayed as the sender  - the recipient will be able to reply to this number. If this is left blank the SMS will be delivered by ROTAMASTER - this send does not support replies.