This article will give a detailed explanation of all the fields available when creating a shift on Shift Pattern Manager
Shift Details
Shift Details are used to outline the main information for a shift:
Duty Station - The physical location.
Zone - The wider geographical area.
Shift Role - What type of staff member you want working the shift.
Start and Finish - The timings of the shift; the finish time always has to be set as 1 minute before the end of the shift, i.e. if a shift finishes at 12:00 the system should read 11:59.
Duration 'Add 24 hours' - Ticking this checkbox will automatically add 24 hours to the duration of the shift, allowing it to span a maximum of 48 hours.
Category - The general time of day the shift is occurring on.
Shift Group - The session type.
Registrar Rank - Optional field allowing you to set what rank registrar you want working the shift.
Break - To be working time directive compliant you must have at least a 20 minute break for all shifts over 6 hours.
Paid Break - This indicates whether the break is paid or not. If the break is not paid, the break duration will be deducted from the total shift duration.
Blocked - Once your shifts are rolled out to the live rota any blocked shifts will not be uploaded to the Staff Hub.
💡Duty Stations, Zones, Roles, Categories and Shift Groups are all configured in Rota>Rota Settings and are mandatory fields.
Pay Rate Group - Set up in Finance>Pay Rate Groups these dictate the hourly rate for a shift.
Value - This will automatically populate the value of the shift based on the Pay Rate x duration.
Session Fee - An additional fee assigned to the shift which is not hourly rated.
Contract Code - Used for reporting and finance exports.
Department No - Used for reporting and finance exports.
3rd Party Paid - Checking this will exclude the shift from any payroll processes, including reports.
Non-Pensionable - Checking this will exclude the shift from any pension calculations when running invoicing.
Invoiceable - Checking this will include the shift when running invoicing ignoring the Payroll/Non-Payroll status of the confirmed person
Comments - Staff can see these when viewing the shift on Staff Hub.
Description - Free type field.
💡Not using the system for finance? You can create a zero rated Pay Rate Group and use this in lieu of your actual pay details.
None of these fields are mandatory.
Default Team - Only staff members from the specified Team will be able to work the shift.
Default Person - If you have a staff member contracted to work shift shift add them in here.
Default Post - People+ Only and will pull from the staff member's Personnel Record
Allocate to Provisional/Confirmed - Ticking these will allocate the Default Person to the provisional/confirmed fields.
Priority - Used in the Allocation Wizard to prioritise the order in which shifts are filled.
Flag - These have no bearing on how the shift is worked, staff can have the ability to see flags on the staff hub.
Seat - Used to determine which seat this shift is assigned to.
Status - Tells the system where unallocated/empty shifts should sit on the Staff Hub. If left blank this will default to Original Allocation.
Room - Assigns a specific Room to the shift.
Dependents can be used to inform a staff to member of a task they may have to complete within that shift.
To add a Dependent click the green plus to bring up the Add Dependent box; use this to select the Duty Station, specify the times of the Dependent and add a description of the task.
Once this information is added click Save and the dependent will show in the shift box, these can be edited or deleted at any time.
Skills can be used highlight skill requirements to work a shift. They are configured in Personnel>Reference Settings. When a skill is added to a shift only staff with the required skill can work the shift.
To add a skill double click on the relevant skill(s) from the Available Skills section and it will show under Required Skills for Shift.
Adjustments can be added to a shift to enhance pay, i.e. overtime or a bonus, or to highlight something unusual about a shift for example training. These Adjustment Reasons can be configured in Rota>Rota Settings.
💡Want to know more about Shift Adjustments? Click here to read a guide.
Linked Shifts
When two shifts are linked and a staff member is added to the parent shift that same person will automatically be added into the child shift. Shifts can be linked by typing in the Shift Code of the shift you would like to link to in the Linked Shift Code box.
💡 Shift Codes are unique shift identifiers and can be found in the Code column on Shift Pattern Manager or View Rota. If you want more information please click here for a guide on linked shifts.