Bank Assignments

Bank Assignments are a block of shifts that can be created by admins. Staff members can view and book into the whole assignment via their staff portal.


To create a bank assignment, go to the admin side of the staff portal > Web Booking > Bank Shifts, then toggle to 'Assignments' at the top of the screen.



From here, start to add shifts to your assignment by filling in the information relating to the shift and press 'Add to Assignment'. Continue adding shifts until your assignment is complete. 



Once you've added all the shifts you need in your assignment, give it a name and a deadline for staff to book into the assignment. Then press 'Complete Assignment'. Shifts can still be added and edited after you've completed the assignment.



Once your assignment is complete, you can make changes to or delete existing shifts within the assignment by selecting the 'Edit' or 'Delete' symbol against the shift.

New shifts can be added to the assignment by pressing the 'Add' button. The name and deadline can also be edited by selecting the 'edit' button, and the whole assignment can be deleted by pressing the 'delete' button. 


Once you're happy with your bank assignment, check the tickbox next to the assignment name and press 'Publish Selected Assignments'.



Once published, Bank Assignments will appear in the staff portal for your staff to book into. To view them, they can go to the Bank Bookings tab and toggle to 'Assignments'. They can then view each assignment and select 'Book' to book into the whole assignment.


Bank Staff who have the ability to cancel shifts (granted in their Personnel Record) can now cancel a whole Bank Assignment. Once cancelled, other eligible Bank staff will receive an email to let them know the assignment is available to book.