Explaining what a batch run is, how to run one and how to export one
❕This guide is only relevant to Finance+ customers. For more information on Finance+ please get in touch at help@rotamaster.co.uk
What is a batch run?
A batch run is created when Payroll/Invoicing is run for all Rota Groups at once, a batch run will keep all the information for all Rota Groups in one area and allow you to export it in one document instead of several.
💡This process is the same for both Payroll and Invoicing runs. For invoicing, you will click Finance+>Invoicing and then follow the same creation steps below.
Running a batch run
To run Payroll for all Rota Groups at once navigate to Finance+>Payroll and click Create payroll run
In the Create Payroll Run window keep all Rota Groups selected and enter your Payroll start and end dates along with the cut off date.
If you would like the system to generate fixed pay tick the box and select the month you would like the salary to pull from.
💡Salary information is stored in Personnel Record>Finance details in the Core system and Personnel Record>Post>Contracts>Finance Record for People+
Click Create
You will be warned that this action will run Payroll for all Rota Groups and asked if you're sure. Click Yes
✋ Running payroll will lock all shifts within the payroll date range, meaning you will be unable to edit them. Make sure you have done all your necessary checks before clicking Yes.
The window will close and you'll see a pop up saying 'Payroll has run successfully', this may take a few minutes.
Once Payroll has run click on the arrow next to Batch Runs on the left of the screen to expand the menu and select the date range you have just run payroll for
You will be shown an overview of all your Rota Groups in the main window giving you a gross value for all shifts, adjustments, expenses and a total figure for the run period. Clicking on a Rota Group will give you a detailed view of every transaction
✋Please note, expenses and mileage are only available on People+, please contact support at help@rotamaster.co.uk if you would like more information
Exporting a batch run
Batch runs can be exported to show you all the Rota Group information on one Excel document. To export click the Create Exports button
Select the export you want to run by checking the boxes under Export and Headers and click Create
The file will then download into your browser.
💡Please click here for guides on the different exports and what they show
Rolling back a batch run
A batch run can be rolled back, unlocking the shifts, at any point by selecting the run you wish to roll back and clicking Rollback Payroll Run
You will be asked to enter a reason, for auditing purposes, enter a reason and click Rollback
You will be asked if you're sure, if you are happy to roll back the run click Yes and Payroll will be rolled back. Payroll can always be re-run for the same date range if you have made an error.