Completing a Return to Work

This guide will show you how to fill out a return to work for a staff member after a period of sickness

When a staff member has returned to work after a period of sickness and you have set that a return to work needs to be carried out, firstly you will need to navigate to Self Service>Sickness Management.

Once in Sickness Management, you will need to put in the correct date range and find the persons record that needs to be amended. 

Click the edit button to open the sickness record;

Put in an 'Actual Last Day' and this will then tick the required fields that need to be filled in. Once the 'Return to Work' section is ticked, you can then click on the 'Edit' button and fill in the relevant details for the person return to work.

Once all the details are filled in, click the save button at the bottom and this will update the return to work. You can also add a document if you have paper copies of the return to work. 

Please note, for settings in sickness management, click here.