An in-depth guide on how to use our Data API, and what information can be extracted from RotaMaster using this API.
The Data API (DAPI) is a REST API, allowing users to pull a range of information from the live RotaMaster (RM) database, including staff, shift and payment information. The DAPI accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
The endpoints and resource models can be viewed and tried out via Swagger:
You will need to liaise with your Account Manager to get the access codes.
Sandbox Mode
To access the API in sandbox mode, change the sandbox part of the authentication to True. This will return generic test data.
Gives a list of adjustments between the provided dates
FromDate Mandatory
ToDate Mandatory
LeaveReasonID Optional
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name |
Description |
Id |
Adjustment ID |
PersonID |
Person ID of the person the Adjustment is for. |
Staff Reference |
Staff Reference of the person the Adjustment is for. |
Name |
Person name |
Day |
Start Day of Adjustment |
From |
Start Date of Adjustment |
to |
End Date of Adjustment |
Duration |
Duration of Adjustment and units (units are shifts, days or hours) |
Reason |
Adjustment Reason |
Approved |
Whether the Adjustment is approved or not |
grossPay |
Value of Adjustment |
type |
Whether the Adjustment is planned or not |
Role |
The role recorded against the Adjustment |
Post |
The post recorded against the Adjustment. People+ Only |
Internal Reference |
The internal reference recorded against the Post |
shiftAdjustment |
Whether the Adjustment is a shift Adjustment or not |
Paid |
Whether the Adjustment is paid or not |
Locked |
Whether the Adjustment is locked or not |
Status |
Verification status |
branchCode |
The Branch Code of the Adjustment |
hasPaidBreak |
Whether the Adjustment has a paid break or not |
breakDuration |
The duration of the break |
comments |
Any comments recorded against the duration |
rslId |
Rota Session List ID. This is the unique ID of the shift that the Adjustment links to |
payRateGroup |
Pay Rate Group of the Adjustment |
payRateGroupRef |
The reference recorded against the Pay Rate Group used in the Adjustment |
adminVerfied |
Whether or not the Adjustment has been verified by an admin |
dateAdminVerified |
The date the Adjustment was verified by the admin |
userAdminVerified |
The name of the admin who verified the Adjustment |
dutyStation |
The duty station of the Adjustment |
rotaWeek |
The rota week of the Adjustment |
reasonContractCode |
The contract code recorded against the Adjustment Reason used for the Adjustment |
shiftContractCode |
The contract code recorded against the shift linked to the Adjustment |
Gives information on branch codes.
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name |
Description |
id |
Branch ID |
branchName |
Name of branch |
branchCode |
Code of branch |
hidden |
Whether the branch is hidden or not |
Gives information on all Duty Stations
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name |
Description |
dutyStationID |
ID of the Duty Station |
location |
Name of Duty Station |
nominalCode |
Nominal code recorded against the Duty Station |
hidden |
Whether the Duty Station is hidden or not |
Gives all leave reasons
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name |
Description |
id |
ID of leave reason |
reasonText |
Name of leave reason |
Gives information about all pay rate groups
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name |
Description |
payRateGroupDateID | The unique ID of the Pay Rate Group date |
payStartDate | The start date of the Pay Rate |
payEndDate |
The end date of the Pay Rate |
defaultRate |
The default rate set against the Pay Rate Group |
defaultPayElementCode | The default pay element code |
linkedPayRateGroupZoneID |
Shows all information from the table below |
Field Name | Description |
payRateGroupZoneID | The unique ID of the Pay Rate Group zone |
zoneID | The unique ID of the zone |
zoneName | The name of the zone |
rate | The rate recorded against the zone |
startTime | The start time recorded against the zone |
endTime | The end time recorded against the zone |
payElementCode | The pay element code |
hourlyPayRateReference | The hourly Pay Rate reference |
Gives information on all people
Rota Groups Optional
personIds Optional
includeArchived Optional
includeSuspended Optional
includeDeleted Optional
includeActive Default True
numberOfRecords Optional
The person response is broken down into models.
personPosts: People+ Only
Field Name |
Description |
personPostId |
The unique ID for Person Post |
validFromDate |
Post start date |
validToDate |
Post end date |
postName |
The name of the Post |
internalReference |
The internal reference recorded against the post |
primaryPost |
Whether the post is the person's primary post or not |
lineManagerId |
The ID of the Line Manager |
isLineManagerRefSetting |
Whether the Line Manager is recorded in Reference Settings or not (as opposed to being another staff member within the system) |
personLineManager |
Contains the below two fields |
secondLineManagerId |
The ID of the Second Line Manager |
isLineManagerRefSetting |
Whether the Line Manager is recorded in Reference Settings or not (as opposed to being another staff member within the system) |
personPostContracts: People+ Only
Field Name | Descriptions |
roleId | The Unique ID of the Role |
role | The name of the Role |
occupancyCode | The occupancy codes linked to the role that are linked to the contract |
personPostContractFinances: People+ Only
Field Name |
Description |
personPostContractFinanceId |
The Unique ID of the Finance Contract within the Post |
personPostContractId |
The Unique ID of the contract within the Post |
personPostId |
The unique ID of the post |
independentContractor |
Whether the finance contract has been marked as being for an Independent Contractor |
validFromDate |
The start date of the finance contract |
validToDate |
The end date of the finance contract |
grossAnnualPay |
The gross annual pay recorded within the finance contract |
proRata |
The pro-rata salary recorded within the finance contract |
basicPerMonth |
The basic pay per month recorded within the finance contract |
pensionType |
The pension type recorded against the finance contract |
personalContribution |
Percentage of pension contribution that's personal |
addedYears |
Years added |
avc |
Additional Value Contribution to the finance contract within the post |
expenses |
Expenses value on the finance contract within the post |
erbo |
Early Retirement Reduction Buy Out value |
payRateGroup |
Pay Rate group of the finance contract within the post |
personPostAppraisals: People+ only
Field Name |
Description |
personPostAppraisalId |
The Unique ID of the Appraisal recorded against the post |
personPostId |
The Unique ID of the post |
appraisalTypeId |
The Unique ID of the appraisal type |
appraisalType |
The name of the appraisal type |
appraisedById |
The ID of the staff member who completed the appraisal |
appraisedByName |
The name of the staff member who completed the appraisal |
nextAppraisalDate |
The next scheduled date for an appraisal |
appraisalDate |
The date of the current appraisal |
careerInterests |
Any notes made in the Career Interests section of the appraisal |
careerEvaluation |
Any notes made in the Career Evaluation section of the appraisal |
developmentNeeds |
Any notes made in the Development Needs section of the appraisal |
personBackgroundChecks: People+ only
Field Name |
Description |
backgroundCheckId |
The ID of the background check for the person |
personId |
The ID of the person who has the background check |
checkTypeId |
The ID of the background check type |
checkType |
The background check type name |
checkResultId |
The ID of the background check result |
checkResult |
The name of the background check result |
dateCheckedHr |
The date the background check was checked |
validFrom |
The date the background check is valid from |
validTo |
The date the background check is valid to |
nextCheckDate |
The next check date for the background check |
personMandatoryTrainings: People+ only
Field Name |
Description |
personMandatoryTrainingId |
The ID of the mandatory training for the person |
personId |
The ID of the person |
personPostId |
The ID of the person's post |
trainingCourseId |
The ID of the training course |
trainingCourse |
Course in which the requirement was satisfied |
nextDate |
Next date that the mandatory training requirement must be completed |
personTrainingCourses: People+ only
Field Name |
Description |
personPostTrainingCourseId |
The ID of the training course |
personId |
The ID of the person |
courseName |
The name of the course |
provider |
The course provider |
startDate |
The start date of the training course |
endDate |
The end date of the training course |
Person Profile
Field Name |
Description |
personId |
The unique ID for the person |
firstName |
The person's first name |
lastName |
The person's last name |
dob |
The person's Date of Birth |
Gender |
The person's gender |
rotaGroup |
The person's rota group |
Team |
The person's assigned team |
TeamID |
The ID of the assigned team |
startDate |
The person's start date |
terminationDate |
The person's termination date |
reasonForLeaving |
The reason provided for the person leaving |
isRegistrar |
If the person is a registrar |
isTrainer |
If the person is a trainer |
isLocum |
If the person is a Locum |
ethnicityMainCategory |
The main category of ethnicity |
ethnicitySubCategory |
The sub category of ethnicity |
Field Name |
Description |
addressID |
The ID of the address |
line1 |
Line 1 of the address |
line2 |
Line 2 of the address |
line3 |
Line 3 of the address |
town |
Town of the address |
county |
County of the address |
country |
Country of the address |
postCode |
Postcode of the address |
Field Name |
Description |
contactDetailId |
The ID of the contact detail |
personId |
The ID of the person |
contactDetailType |
The type of the contact detail e.g. email, mobile, landline |
contactDetail |
The contact detail |
isPrimaryContact |
Whether the contact details are marked as the primary contact |
personItrent - iTrent only
Field Name | Description |
roleID | The ID of the role |
role | The name of the role |
occupancyCodes | The occupancy codes |
Field Name |
Description |
complianceId |
The ID of the compliance |
personId |
The ID of the person |
recordStatus |
The status of the record e.g. Active or inactive |
complianceNo |
The compliance number |
complianceBody |
The compliance body |
complianceEndDate |
The end date of the compliance |
complianceAnnualFee |
The annual fee for the compliance |
validated |
Whether the compliance is validated or not |
Field Name |
Description |
indemnityId |
The ID of the indemnity |
personID |
The ID of the person |
indemnityNo |
The indemnity number |
indemnityCompanyId |
The ID of the indemnity company |
indemnityCompanyName |
The name of the indemnity company |
indemnityEndDate |
The end date of the indemnity |
validated |
Whether the indemnity is validated or not |
shiftsPerWeek |
The number of shifts per week |
membershipTypeId |
The ID of the membership type |
membershipType |
The name of the membership type |
paymentById |
The ID of how the payment is paid |
paymentBy |
How the payment is paid |
annualFee |
The annual fee value |
indemnityRestrictions |
Any indemnity restrictions |
Field Name |
Description |
dbsId |
The ID of the DBS |
personId |
The ID of the person |
recordStatus |
The status of the record e.g. Active or inactive |
dbsNo |
The number of the DBS |
dbsCheck |
If the DBS has been checked |
dbsValidFrom |
The date the DBS is valid from |
dbsRenewalDate |
The renewal date of the DBS |
dbsType |
The type of the DBS |
dbsEmployerName |
The DBS employer name |
Transports: People+ only
Field Name |
Descriptions |
personTransportId |
The ID of the transport |
personId |
The ID of the person |
regNumber |
The transport registration number |
vehicleMake |
The make of the vehicle |
vehicleModel |
The model of the vehicle |
fuelTypeId |
The ID of the fuel type |
fuelType |
The name of the fuel type |
cc |
The engineer size in cc |
cO2Emission |
The CO2 emission value from the vehicle |
vehicleOwner |
If the person is the registered owner of the vehicle |
adaptedVehicle |
If the vehicle has been adapted |
licenceTypeId |
The ID of the license type |
licenceType |
The name of the licence type |
licenceNumber |
The number of the license |
licencePoints |
The number of points on the license |
insuranceGroup |
The insurance group name |
insurancePolicyNumber |
The insurance policy number |
insuranceCompany |
The insurance company |
businessInsurance |
The business insurance anme |
motDate |
The date of the last MOT |
nextMOTDate |
The date of the next MOT |
licenceStartDate |
The start date on the license |
licenceEndDate |
The end date on the license |
homeMiles |
The miles to get to the home address |
insuranceStartDate |
The start date of the insurance |
insuranceEndDate |
The end date of the insurance |
Field Name |
Description |
personSkillId |
The ID of the person's skill |
personId |
The ID of the person |
skillId |
The ID of the skill |
skillName |
The name of the skill |
skillAchievedDate |
The date the skill was achieved |
skillExpiryDate |
The date the skill expires |
Field Name |
Description |
leaveId |
Leave year ID |
personId |
Person ID |
startDate |
Leave year start date |
endDate |
Leave year end date |
Field Name |
Description |
personPostId |
ID of the person's post |
adjustmentReason |
Adjustment reason that the allowance is assigned to |
periodType |
Period type e.g. Days, hours, shifts |
leaveQuantity |
Leave allowance quantity |
bankHolidays |
Annual leave only. Portion of leave allowance derived from to bank holidays |
Tiered |
Annual leave only. Portion of leave allowance derived from tiered allowance |
Bought |
Annual leave only. Portion of leave allowance bought |
carriedOver |
Annual leave only. Portion of leave allowance carried over from last year |
proRataYearlyAllowance |
Annual leave only. The pro rata allowance yearly |
Person contd
Field Name |
Description |
contractedHours |
Person's contracted hours |
staffReference |
The reference number of the staff member |
adastraDoctorRef |
The reference number of the adastra doctor |
sageSupplierRef |
The reference number of the sage supplier |
sageSupplierRef2 |
The reference number of the sage supplier |
niNumber |
The person's national insurance number |
nhspsNumber |
The person's NHS property services number |
bacsNo |
The person's BACs number |
hmrcReference |
The person's HMRC reference |
payrollID |
The payroll ID of the person |
fteAnnualSalary |
The person's annual salary |
proRataSalary |
The person's pro rata salary |
monthlySalary |
The person's monthly salary |
Exposure |
If exposure is enabled for the person. WTD settings |
workSplit |
If the work split is enabled for the person. WTD settings |
excludeTerms |
If exclude terms is enabled for the person. WTD settings |
excludeNotice |
IF exclude notice is enabled for the person. WTD settings |
dailyRestExclude |
If daily rest is enabled for the person. WTD settings |
weeklyRestExclude |
If the weekly rest is enabled for the person. WTD settings |
weeklyRestPeriods |
The weekly rest periods value. WTD settings |
weeklyRestLength |
The weekly rest length value. WTD settings |
weeklyRestInterval |
The weekly rest interval value. WTD settings |
exclusionIndefinite |
If the indefinite exclusion is enabled. WTD settings |
exclusionRange1 |
Exclusion range value. WTD settings |
exclusionRange2 |
Exclusion range value. WTD settings |
excludeDailyRest |
If daily rest is excluded. WTD settings |
externalHours |
The external hours value. WTD settings |
healthCheckDate |
The date of the last health check |
healthCheckDeclined |
If the health check was declined |
healthConsent |
If there was consent for the health check |
healthAlert |
If there is a health alert |
healthAlertNote |
Any notes included with the health alert |
employmentStatus |
The employment status of the person |
roleGroup |
The role group of the person |
roleGroupId |
The ID of the role group |
payRateGroup |
The pay rate group of the person |
invoicable |
If the person's pay is invoiceable |
invoiceID |
The ID of the invoice |
isArchived |
If the person is archived |
isSuspended |
If the person is suspended |
isDeleted |
If the person is deleted |
wtdInclusion |
If the person is included in the working time directive |
roleID |
The role ID of the person |
role |
The person's role |
Get all person IDs
Rota Groups Optional
includeArchived Optional
includeSuspended Optional
includeDeleted Optional
includeActive defaults to true
numberOfRecords Optional
Field Name |
Description |
personId |
ID of the person |
fullName |
Name of the person |
Gives all roles
numberOfRecords Optional
Field Name | Description |
id | The unique ID of the role |
name | The name given to the role |
nominalCode | The nominal code of the role |
Gives all Role Group information
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name | Description |
id | The unique ID of the role group |
roleGroupName | The name of the role group |
roleGroupRole | Shows all information from the table below |
Field Name | Description |
roleId | The ID of the role |
role | The role name |
payratePatternId | The ID of the pay rate pattern |
payRatePatternName | The name of the pay rate pattern |
Gives all rota audit information
RecordId Optional
UserId Optional
FromDate Mandatory
ToDate Mandatory
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name | Description |
id | The ID of the rota audit |
recordId | The ID of the record that is audited |
category | The name of the category of the audit |
activityType | The activity type of the audit |
oldValue | The previous value in the audit |
newValue | The new value in the audit |
userId | The ID of the user on the audit |
createDate | The date on the audit |
Gives all rota group information
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name |
Description |
Id |
The ID of the rota group |
Name |
The name of the rota group |
Gives information about the Shift Pattern Manager
rotaGroupIDs Optional
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name |
Description |
Id |
The ID of the Shift Pattern |
patternName |
The name of the Shift Pattern |
sessionCode |
The session code for the Shift Pattern |
weekDay |
The day of the week for the shift pattern |
patternWeekNo |
The week number of the shift pattern |
dutyStation |
The Duty Station of the shift pattern |
role |
The role of the shift |
priority |
The priority of the shift |
start |
The start time of the shift |
finish |
The end time of the shift |
duration |
The duration of the shift in hours and minutes |
shiftGroup |
The shift group of the shift |
zone |
The zone of the shift |
value |
The value of the shift |
payRateGroup |
The pay rate group of the shift |
rotaGroupID |
The ID of the rota group |
rotaGroup |
The name of the rota group |
invoiceable |
Shows if the shift is invoiceable |
blocked |
Shows in the shift is marked as blocked |
defaultTeam |
The default team on the shift |
thirdPartyPaid | Shows if the shift will be paid via a third-party |
flagDescription |
The description of the flag on the shift, if one has been added |
defaultPerson |
The default person assigned to the shift |
adjustment |
Any adjustments on the shift |
durationDecimal |
The duration of the shift in hours |
contractCode |
The contract code for the shift |
Gives information on all sicknesses
FromDate Mandatory
ToDate Mandatory
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name | Description |
adjustmentId | The ID of the adjustment for the sickness |
from | The date the adjustment starts |
to | The date the adjustment ends |
reason | The reason provided for the adjustment for the sickness |
post | The post the sickness adjustment is for |
dutyStation | The duty station the sickness adjustment is for |
breakDuration | The break duration for the sickness adjustment |
type | The type provided for the sickness adjustment |
branchCode | The branch code provided for the sickness adjustment |
role | The role the sickness adjustment is for |
rotaWeek | The rota week the sickness adjustment is for |
value | The value of the sickness adjustment |
duration | The duration of the sickness adjustment |
payRateGroup | The pay rate group of the sickness adjustment |
approved | If the adjustment is approved or not |
adminVerified | If the adjustment is admin verified or not |
dateAdminVerified | The date the admin verified the adjustment |
userAdminVerified | The user who verified the adjustment - this will be an admin user |
Gives all system users
NumberofRecords Optional
Field Name | Description |
userId | The unique ID of the user |
username | The user's username |
surname | The last name of the user |
forename | The first name of the user |
roleName | The name of the role that the user has |
The user's email | |
lastLoggedIn | The date and time the user was last logged in to RotaMaster |
isTemplate | If the user is a temaplte |
Gives information on rotas, defaults to one year's data
StartDate Optional
EndDate Optional
NumberOfRecords Optional
rotaGroups Optional
Field Name |
Description |
rslid |
Rota Session List ID. This is the unique ID of the shift on the rota |
sessionCode |
The session code of the shift on the rota |
Date |
The date of the shift on the rota |
day |
The day of the week the shift on the rota occurs |
dutyStationID |
The ID of the duty station for the shift |
dutyStation |
The name of the duty station for the shift |
roleID |
The ID of the role for the shift |
role |
The name of the role for the shift |
priority |
The priority of the shift |
start |
The start date fo the shift |
end |
The end date fo the shift |
duration |
The duration of the shift |
value |
The value of the shift |
sessionFee |
The session fee for the shift |
teamId |
The ID of the team on the shift |
team |
The name of the team on the shift |
provID |
The ID of the provisional person on the shift |
provisional |
The name of the provisional person on the shift |
personID |
The ID of the confirmed person on the shift |
confirmedPerson |
The name of the confirmed person on the shift |
staffReference |
The staff reference on the shift |
personPostContractID |
The ID of the confirmed person's post contract |
postName |
People+ only. The name of the post |
internalReference |
The internal reference value of the shift |
registrar |
The registrar assinged to the shift |
status |
The status of the shift |
ok |
If the shift has been marked as OK or not |
blocked |
If the shift has been marked as blocked or not |
invoiceable |
If the shift has been marked as invoiceable or not |
paid |
If the shift has been marked as paid or not |
shiftGroupID |
The ID of the shift group on the shift |
shiftGroup |
The name of the shift group on the shift |
zoneID |
The ID of the zone on the shift |
zone |
The name of the zone on the shift |
rotaGroup |
The name of the rota group on the shift |
payRateGroupID |
The ID of the pay rate group on the shift |
payRateGroup |
The name of the pay rate group on the shift |
allocationMethodID |
The ID of the allocation method of the shift |
allocationMethod |
The allocation method of the shift |
verifiedStatus |
The verified status of the shift |
locked |
If the shift has been marked as locked or not |
breakDuration |
The duration of the break for the shift |
hasPaidBreak |
If the break is paid or not |
verifiedByID |
The ID of the user who verified the shift |
hasNote |
If the shift has a note |
shiftClass |
The value of the shift class |
flagDescription |
The description of the flag, if applicable |
customText |
The custom text added on the shift, if applicable |
customNumber |
The custom number added on the shift, if applicable |
payrollID |
The ID of the payroll for the shift |
verifiedDate |
The verified date of the shift |
nonPensionable |
If the shift is marked as non-pensionable or not |
isThirdPartyPaid |
If the shift is marked as paid by a third party |
durationDecimal |
The duration of the shift in hours |
seatID |
The ID of the seat on the shift |
seat |
The seat on the shift |
manualTNAOut |
The manual T&A out value added to the shift. Attendance+ only |
manualTNAIn |
The manual T&A in value added to the shift. Attendance+ only |
isTrainer |
If the person on the shift is a trainer |
registrarRank |
The rank of the registrar on the shift |
weekNo |
The week number of the shift |
shiftPatternID |
The ID of the shift pattern for the shift |
shiftPattern |
The shift pattern of the shift |
profWarning |
If the person in the shift has a professional registration expired at the time of the shift |
maxRegistrars |
The maximum number of registrars on the shift |
regCount |
The registrar count of the shift |
shiftCategoryID |
The ID of the shift category on the shift |
shiftCategory |
The shift category on the shift |
actualLogOut |
The time logged out. Attendance+ only |
actualLogIn |
The time logged in. Attendance+ only |
correctedLogOut |
The corrected log out time of shift. Attendance+ only |
correctedLogIn |
The corrected log in time of shift. Attendance+ Only |
trueLogOut |
End time of the shift |
trueLogIn |
Start time of the shift |
dbsExpiryIndemnity |
The expiry of the DBS indemnity for the person on the shift |
indemnityExpiry |
The expiry of the indemnity for the person on the shift |
professionalRegistrationExpiry |
The expiry of the professional registration for the person on the shift |
dsTypeID |
valueChangeApproved |
If the change of the value of the shift has been approved |
valueChanged |
If the value of the shift has been changed |
regHA |
Any health alerts for the registrar |
provHA |
Any health alerts for the provisional person on the shift |
confHA |
Any health alerts for the confirmed person on the shift |
priorityColour |
The priority colour on the shift |
postedToAgency |
If the shift has been posted to an agency |
toil |
The TOIL value of the shift |
toilSession |
If the shift is applicable for TOIL |
approvedDate |
The date the shift was approved |
approved |
If the shift has been approved or not |
flag |
The flag added to the shift, if applicable |
locumValue |
The locum value added to the shift |
adjustment |
The adjustment on the shift |
profWarningProv |
If the provisional person has a professional registration that has expired at the time of the shift |
dependentCount |
The dependent count on the shift |
isLocumSession |
If the shift is a locum session |
hasShiftAdjustment |
If the shift has an adjustment or not |
contractCode |
The contract code on the shift |
Gives information on rotas including payrates, defaults to one year's data
StartDate Optional
EndDate Optional
NumberOfRecords Optional
rotaGroups Optional
Field Name | Description |
id | The pay rate ID |
duration | The pay rate duration of the shift |
hourlyPayRateReference | The hourly pay rate reference on the shift |
rate | The pay rate on the shift |
rateStart | The pay rate start time |
rateEnd | The pay rate end time |
PayRates cont.
Field Name |
Description |
verifiedStatus |
The verified status of the shift |
locked |
If the shift has been marked as locked or not |
minsUnpaidBreak |
The duration of unpaid break in minutes for the shift |
breakDuration |
The duration of the break for the shift |
hasPaidBreak |
If the break is paid or not |
flagDescription |
The description of the flag, if applicable |
payrollID |
The ID of the payroll for the shift |
verifiedDate |
The verified date of the shift |
nonPensionable |
If the shift is marked as non-pensionable or not |
isThirdPartyPaid |
If the shift is marked as paid by a third party |
durationDecimal |
The duration of the shift in hours |
shiftCategoryID |
The ID of the shift category on the shift |
shiftCategory |
The shift category on the shift |
trueLogOut |
End time of the shift |
trueLogIn |
Start time of the shift |
contractCode |
The contract code on the shift |