General Rules

General Rules

General Rules are assigned against Rota Groups and are used to restrict how many/what shifts staff within that Rota Group can work.

They are set up in Rota>Rules>General:

Rules Screenshot

Then use the tabs to select which Rule you want to create. The available Rules are:

Shift Category Spacing Rules 

This will set a minimum number of hours between shifts worked in the specified shift Category, e.g. the example below shows there has to be a minimum of 10 hours between a shift with the Evening Category and a shift with the Morning Category. 

These are set up by pressing the green plus button and as many as you like can be created:


Personnel Allocation Settings

This will only work with the Allocation Wizard and allows you to easily change the maximum number of shifts assigned per allocation and the minimum shift spacing rules per person in that Rota Group.

These are edited by selecting a staff member and pressing the blue edit pen:


Consecutive Duty Station Rules

This will restrict staff members from working consecutive shifts in the specified Duty Stations, you can set up any number of these Rules. 

These are set up by pressing the green plus button:

Maximum Consecutive Shifts for Shift Group:

This will only allow staff members to work a certain number of consecutive shifts for a particular Shift Group e.g. Can only work 3 night shifts in a row:


Cannot Work Shifts After Inactivity:

This will restrict staff members from working shifts after 'X' number of days of inactivity, e.g. restricting staff from booking into a shift after 60 days inactivity:


Cannot Work Shift Group After Absence:

This will allow you to restrict staff members from working certain Shift Groups after the outlined leave reason(s):