Gross Pay Export

Gross Pay By Zone

This will show Gross Pay over the given period grouped by Zone. You will be given the following information:

  • Payroll ID - This is set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance References
  • Name
  • Details – Either the Zone of the Shift(s) or the Adjustment Reason
  • Gross Value – Value of shifts/Adjustments
  • Invoice Number



Gross Pay With Pension Amounts

This will show the Gross Pay per person with pension amounts. You will be given the following information:

  • Gross Amount
  • Pension Deduction – this will come from any pension information recorded in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance Details (Standard) or Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Post>Contract>Finance Record (People+)
  • Net Pension
  • Account Number - This is set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance References
  • Sort Code - This is set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance References