Hourly Rate Exports
Hourly Rate by Pay Rate Group
This export shows the total number of hours worked during the defined date range grouped by person and Pay Rate Group. You will be given the following information:
- First Name
- Surname
- Employee Payroll ID - Payroll ID - this is set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance References
- Pay Rate Group
- Amount of Hours – total hours of shifts worked with that Pay Rate Group
- Hourly Rate – the hourly rate determined by the Pay Rate Group
- Total Value – Total value of the hourly rate x amount of hours for that row
Hourly Rate by Pay Rate Group and Rota Group
This export shows the total number of hours worked during the defined date range grouped by person, Pay Rate Group and Rota Group. You will be given the following information:
- First Name
- Surname
- Record Type (This will be the shift, or if it is an adjustment it will show the adjustment reason)
- Rota Group (This will be the Rota Group assigned to the shift, NOT the staff's primary Rota Group)
- Date
- Start (shift start time)
- End (shift finish time)
Duration (this will be the duration of the shift/adjustment per hourly rate. Note: if the shift has multiple hourly rates, the export will show one rate per row on the export.)
- Hourly Rate
- Total Value
- Pay Rate Group Name
- Role
Hourly Rate by Pay Rate Group with Session Fee
This export shows the total number of hours worked during the defined date range grouped by Pay Rate Group and Session Fees. You will be given the following information:
- First Name
- Surname
- Employee Reference - this is set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance References>Payroll ID
- Payment Reference
- Rota Group
- Role
- Record Type – shift or adjustment
- Number of Sessions
- Session Fee
- Hours
- Rate – hourly rate of the Pay Rate Group
- Salary – this will show as 0 if the staff member doesn’t have salary information in their Personnel Record
- Value – total value of Hours x Rate + Session Fee
- Benefit – People+ Only, these are recorded in Posts>Benefits
- Benefit Value – People+ Only, this will show the value of the Benefit type
- Expenses/Mileage Type – People+ Only
- Expenses/Mileage Value – People+ Only
Hourly Rate with Reason
This export shows a breakdown by hourly rate for any shifts worked along with the reason, i.e. shift or annual leave. Please note, unpaid and sickness adjustments will not be included.
You will be given the following information:
- Payroll ID – This is set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance References
- First Name
- Surname
- Reason – Shift or adjustment reason
- Duration – duration of shift or adjustment
- Hourly Rate
- Total