1. Knowledge Base
  2. Personnel
  3. Personnel Records (RotaMaster Core)

How can I allow staff see only their own shifts - or everyones?

Each staff member has a Web Portal security level. This defines whose shifts they can see on the My Rota section.

This is configured in Personnel > Personnel Manager > open the Personnel Record;

Per 96

Click on Rota > Web Settings. The Security Level option is half way down the screen;

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This can be set as;

Per 98

Staff can either see;

Own Rota and No Availability Page > Their own shifts and the availability page will be turned off regardless of Rota Group web settings.  

Own Personal Rota Only > Their own shifts

Personal And Team Rota > Their shifts and their team's shifts

Whole Rota Group's Rota > Their shifts and their Rota Group's shifts

Administrator > Everyone's shifts