24th March 2025 Release Notes


New Features

1. People+ - New setting in Template Allocation Wizard 

There is a new setting in the Template Allocation Wizard called "Count leave as part of current template" which, when selected, will count any leave taken during an allocation run will be considered as part of the template. The template will resume after the leave as if any days within that leave period were worked.

2. People+ - Sickness episodes can now be edited from the Rota Weekly Viewer

Double clicking, or editing, a sickness episode on the Rota Weekly Viewer will now allow users to edit that sickness record as if they were editing in Sickness Management.

Other Changes

  1. You can now view the room assigned to a shift when approving/declining shift bookings in Rota>Accept/Reject Bookings
  2. There is a new setting in Configuration>Default Settings>Options>Shifts called 'Remove session fee if bank staff is added to a shift'. When enabled, when a staff member marked as Bank in Personnel Record>Personal Details is added to a shift with a session fee the session fee will be removed. 
  3. In View Rota>Other you can now mark shifts as Pensionable or Non-Pensionable in bulk
  4. The system setting 'Day Off' will now be considered when implementing the 'Day off monthly allowance' rule 
  5. The default setting 'Rota List View includes overlapping shifts from previous and next days' has been renamed to 'Rota Views include overlapping shifts from previous and next days', when enabled the setting will apply to overlapping shifts in the Rota Weekly Viewer
  6. Shifts marked as 'Non-contracted' will no longer be included in the 'Contracted/Worked hours' calculations on Rota Weekly Viewer
  7. Mobile App - When registering for the Staff Hub a mobile app account will now be automatically created

Bug Fixes

  1. People+ - Pay Rate Patterns can now no longer be assigned to Posts when there is a Role Group assigned. 
  2. Finance+ - Empty shifts will now be included when Payroll is run when the "Use session approved date" and "Lock empty shifts within Payroll range" settings are enabled
  3. Staff can now select Zone when logging General Availabilities using the mobile view on the Staff Hub
  4. Local administrators linked to a Personnel Record can now search using surname when adding an Adjustment in Adjustments & Leave
  5. The Payroll export 'Detailed Output (Primary Rota Group)' now picks up contract codes.