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  2. Personnel
  3. Personnel Records (People+)

Importing Documents into a Personnel Profile (People+)

Please note, this guide is only available for People+ customers. For more information please speak with your Account Manager. 

Importing Documents on to a Personnel Profile can be used to upload documents for Administrators to view. 

You can only upload the following file types to RotaMaster: .jpg .png .bmp .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .rtf .txt .csv .pdf 

To upload a document to RotaMaster click on the drop-down arrow at the top of the screen:

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This will show the following menu:

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Click on the “From PC to Server” button shown above.

This will bring up the following window:

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Find the file you want to upload and double click on it. This will cause the window to close.

 Go to Personnel > Personnel Manager and find the appropriate Staff Member:

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Double click on the Staff Member to open their Personnel Profile and click on “Documents”:

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This will open the Documents Tab:

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Click on the green plus button shown above to open the “Add Document” pop-up box and click on the file icon:

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This will open the following window:

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This will close the window and take you back to the “Add Document” pop-up box:

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Give the file a title and select a category, then press ‘Save’. This will cause the pop-up box to close and will show your file in the Personnel Profile:

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Press “Save and Exit” at the bottom of the screen to close the Personnel Profile.

 Documents can also be uploaded in bulk by clicking the drop-down arrow at the top of the screen and clicking ‘FileManager’:

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 This will open the following window on the bottom right of your screen:

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Click on “Click or drop files to upload” and it will open the following window:

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Click on the file you want to upload or hold ‘Ctrl’ on your keyboard and select more than one, and press ‘Open’. This will cause the window to close and you will see your files in the ‘File Transfer’ Box:

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 You can then click on the ‘X’ on the top right of the box to close it. These files will then be available to upload to a Staff Member’s Personnel Profile.