iTrent Exports
iTrent Export by hourly rate
This export can be imported directly into iTrent and will show you the following information:
EMPLOYEE_REF - Assignment number taken from the post of the shift/adjustment.
The assignment number is set up in Personnel>Personnel Record>Post Details.
ELEMENT_CODE - Pay Rate Reference of the hourly rate, if the shift has multiple hourly rates the export will have a row per hourly rate. Pay rate References are set up in Finance>Pay Rates.
DATE - Date of the shift/adjustment
❗If the date spans two dates, the first date will show on the export
INPUT_TIME - Duration of shift paid at the hourly rate in ELEMENT_CODE column.
COST_CODE - Nominal code of duty station of shift. The nominal code for a duty station is set up in Rota>Rota Settings>Duty Stations.
COSTING_RULE - Nominal code of role of shift. The nominal code for a role is set up in Rota>Rota Settings>Roles.
START_TIME - Start time of the hourly rate.
END_TIME - End time of the hourly rate.
EMPLOYEE - Employee's first and last name .
ROLE - Role of the shift.
iTrent Export with Shift Details
Payroll ID - this is set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance References.
Assignment Number - this is set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Posts> Post Details.
Pay Element Code - This is set up in Finance+ > Pay Rates.
Shift Start Date - Start date of the shift.
Shift Start Time - Start time of the shit.
Shift End Date - End time of the shift.
Shift End Time - Start date of the shift.
iTrent Export - Shifts & Adjustments
EMPLOYEE_REF - Assignment number taken from the post of the shift/adjustment.
The assignment number is set up in Personnel>Personnel Record>Post Details.
ELEMENT_CODE - If a shift the element code will be the Pay Rate Reference of the hourly rate, if the shift has multiple hourly rates the export will have a row per hourly rate. Pay rate References are set up in Finance>Pay Rates.
If it is an adjustment, the element code will be the Pay Element Code pulled from the adjustment reason. Adjustment Reasons are created in Rota>Rota Settings>Adjustment Reasons.
DATE - Date of the shift/adjustment
❗If the date spans two dates, the first date will show on the export
INPUT_TIME - Duration of shift paid at the hourly rate in ELEMENT_CODE column.
COST_CODE - Nominal code of duty station of shift. The nominal code for a duty station is set up in Rota>Rota Settings>Duty Stations.
COSTING_RULE - Nominal code of role of shift. The nominal code for a role is set up in Rota>Rota Settings>Roles.
START_TIME - Start time of the hourly rate.
END_TIME - End time of the hourly rate.
EMPLOYEE - Employee's first and last name .
ROLE - Role of the shift.