Lunchtime Learning - 21st August 2024

Recording & summary of our August 2024 Lunchtime Learning session & links to more information about the topics covered

Provisional Allocation

  • We explore ways to provisionally assign staff to shifts & where in the Staff Hub they can then confirm or decline their provisional rota.

Team Confirmation

  • A unique way of working to populate your rotas, team confirmation allows team/shift managers to allocate their staff to shifts, via the Staff Hub.
  • These settings are configured within Rota > Rota Settings > Rota Group > Staff Hub Settings & via the status of your shift, in Rota Settings > Shift Status
  • Managers can also handback shifts if there is no one remaining to populate some shifts to a rota coordinator.

Template Allocation

  • Where your organisation or rotas have set working patterns that staff must follow, such as 4 consecutive night shifts, followed by 3 days off or two long days / two days off / two long days, template allocation, empowers us to achieve these set working patterns. These patterns are driven by shift categories.
  • Similarly to Shift Pattern Manager, we first build the different variations of our working patterns, in each of our Rota Groups. Next, you will pick which staff would or can work each particular pattern.
  • Finally, the template allocation wizard, allows you to automatically and seamlessly populate your rota, ensuring that working patterns are being adhered to and staff are allocated into appropriate shifts.