Setting up a new notification
To set up email and RotaMaster notifications, go to Notifications > Notification Manager. Here you can select which notifications you want to set up and who you want them to send to.
To create a notification select the correct one from the 'Notification Types' drop down and press the + symbol.
The new notification will be added to the 'Notifications' panel; To configure the notification, click on the downwards arrow on the right hand side:
Clicking the arrow will open the notification details:
First you need to enter a title for your notification, for example 'End of Probation - 30 day reminder':
You can then select the Rota Groups you need this notification to apply to by clicking the downward arrow on the right. Here you can select whether it is a specific Rota Group or all of your Rota Groups you wish to set the notification up for.
To remove a Rota Group click the blue tick icon to deselect. Once you have selected the Rota Groups you need the notification to apply to, click 'OK'.
Next, define the number of days before the specified deadline you wish to be notified, in this example, if I enter 30 into the notification, I will be notified 30 days before someone’s probation period is due to expire.
Next, you need to define who you want the notification to go to. You have several options:
- A designated email address – if you want to send the notification to the same email address for everyone then enter the email address in the ‘Send Notification email to’ box. For example, this could be a centralised inbox for HR who need to be aware of staff probation expiries.
2. You can notify the user. The user is the person whom the notification relates to. In this example the staff member would be warned 30 days before their own Probation period ends. To notify the user, tick the ‘Notify User’ box.
3. You can notify line manager. The line manager is defined in the personnel record, Personnel File>Post>Post Details>Primary Line Manager. If this option is used then line managers will get notifications for everyone they manage. To notify line managers, tick the ‘Notify line manager’ box:
4. Notify RotaMaster user. The grid on the right-hand side is where you define which RotaMaster users will get this notification. In order to define a RotaMaster user you will need to drag and drop them from the list on the right-hand side:
5. Next you need to select whether the notification should be an email notification or a RotaMaster notification:
The RotaMaster notification will only work for RotaMaster users who are defined in the ‘Notified Users’ panel. They will receive a notification that can be accessed by clicking Notifications > 'View Notifications'.
Email notifications will be sent to every specified recipient. The format of the email changes depending on the recipient.
6. Once you are happy with the setup, tick the ‘Enabled’ box, and click save.
7. To increase the speed of setting up similar notifications you can copy them:
8. If you need to delete them you can do so using the delete button:
Different Types of Notifications
There are several types of notification. Below is a description of what each one of them does:
- Employee Relations Review – this will send the specified number of days days before the review date as set on an employee relation record (People+ Only).
- Immunisation Due - This this will send x number of days before a staff member's immunisation is due
- Default Sickness Category Specified – this will send whenever a sickness record is saved using the default sickness category. The default sickness category can be defined in reference settings. This notification can be used to identify sickness records where the sickness category has not been identified yet (People+ Only).
- Mandatory Training Overdue - This will send when the Mandatory Training Requirement in a Personnel Record changes to 'overdue'
- Fit Note Expiry – this will send X days before someone’s fit note is due to expire (People+ Only).
- GMC updated – this will send when someone’s GMC number has been automatically updated using the integration
- Indemnity Expiry – this will send the specified number of days before someone’s indemnity is due to expire
- DBS Expiry – this will send the specified number of days before someone’s DBS is due to expire
- Appraisal Overdue – this will send once someone’s appraisal is the specified number of days overdue (People+ Only).
- Appraisal Due – this will send the specified number of days before someone’s appraisal is due (People+ Only).
- End of Probation – this will send the specified number of days before someone’s probation period is due to end (People+ Only).
- Professional registration expiry – this will send the specified number of days before someone’s professional registration is due to expire
- Expected RTW Date Passed – this will send when the expected return to work date on a sickness record has passed without an actual return to work date being recorded (People+ Only).
- RTW Interview Required – this will send when an actual return to work date is entered on a sickness record and the RTW interview is triggered (People+ Only).
- Self Cert Reminder – this will send the specified number of days after the actual return to work date on a sickness record if the self cert has not been returned (People+ Only).
- Self Certification Due – this will send when an actual return to work date is entered in a sickness record, triggering that a self cert is due (People+ Only).
- Shift warning notification – this will send the specified number of days before someone whose registration, indemnity or DBS has expired is due to work a shift
- Sickness Duration – This will notify once a sickness episodes has exceeded the specified number of days. The days are calculated from the start date to the expected return to work date (People+ Only).
- Mandatory training expiry – this will send the specified number of days before a mandatory training requirement for an active post is due to expire (People+ Only).
- Sickness Occurrences – this will send when a person has reached the specified number of sickness episodes within the specified rolling time period (People+ Only).
- No leave left - this will send when someone uses up the last of their annual leave
- Fixed term contract expiry - this sends the specified number of days before the end date of a post that is marked as being fixed term (People+ Only)
- T&A notification - this sends when someone hasn't clocked in or out of their shift within the grace period (Attendance+ Only)
- Unapproved shifts - This sends the specified number of days after an unapproved shift has been worked . This will only work if Staff Pay Function has been enabled.
- Employee Relations Review - This will send X number of days before an employee relations review is due. (People+ Only)
- RTW Interview Required - This will send when a return to work interview has been triggered by a sickness record. (People+ Only)
- New Rota Group Profile - This will notify users when a new personnel profile has been added to their Rota Group.
- Background Check Expiry - This will notify users X number of days before a background check is due to expire. (People+Only)
- Background Check Expired - This will notify users when a background check has expired. (People+ Only)
- Outstanding Expenses/Mileages - This will notify users X number of days after a claim has been made (People+ Only)
- Medical Due - This will notify users X number of days before a Medical is due (People+ Only)
- Person Removed from high priority shifts - This will notify users when a staff member has been removed from a high priority shift.
- Skill Expiry - This will notify users X number of days before a Skill is due to expire
- Below Shift Group Threshold - This will notify users when the number of shifts for the specified Shift Group drops below X number of shifts. This is the only notification that you can set up per Rota Group and Day.
- Consecutive Adjustments - This will notify users when x number of consecutive instances of the specified adjustment occurs
- Performers List Expiry - This will notify users X number of days before their Performers List is due to expire.
- UK Eligibility Expiring - This will notify users X number of days before their UK eligibility is due to expire (People+ Only)
- Passport Expiring - This will notify users X numbers of days before their passport is due to expire (People+ Only)
- Contract Amendment - This is for when a staff member's contract has been amended. When enabled in the 'Notification Manager' section, an email will be triggered, detailing the contract that has been amended for each staff member
- Maximum Indemnified Hours - You choose to be notified when a staff member hits a percentage of their maximum indemnified hours. This will trigger once the staff member is put into a shift that reaches the relevant percentage of indemnified hours worked. This will only work if the staff member has an indemnity record in their personnel profile. Personnel>Staff Record>Employment>Compliance>Indemnity - You need to ensure there is a start date, and renewal date recorded against the Indemnity record.