Onboarding - Uploading a Document against a Candidate Record

This guide covers: Uploading a document for a candidate Editing a document for a candidate Deleting a document for a candidate

Uploading a Document

  1. Go to Candidates and select a Candidate profile 
  2. Select Upload documents from the panel on the left
  3. Select Upload documentimage-png-Feb-27-2025-09-27-13-5806-AM
  4. Enter the Document type - this will be used to map the document to the relevant area in the Personnel Record in RotaMaster
  5. Enter a unique document name to help easily identify the document in a list
  6. Upload a maximum of 5 files
  7.  Enter a comment in the Note field to provide context or any further details about the document you have uploaded
  8. Toggle Visible to Candidate to YES if you want this to appear on the Candidate portal, or leave as NO if you want it to remain hidden from the Candidate 
  9. Press Save 

Editing a Document

  1. Go to Candidates and select a Candidate profile 
  2. Select Upload documents from the panel on the left
  3. Select a document from the list
  4. Press Edit
  5. Make the relevant changes
  6. Press Save

Deleting a Document

  1. Go to Candidates and select a Candidate profile 
  2. Select Upload documents from the panel on the left
  3. Select a document from the list
  4. Press Delete
  5. Press Yes, delete