Onboarding Release Notes

4th February 2025

New Features


1. Candidate Profile Audit

Creation of a candidate, and subsequent amendments, are now audited in the candidate profile > Audit. 

2. Configuration Audit

Creation, amendment and deletion of Document Requirements are now audited in Configuration > Audit

3. Onboarding Security Permission

Access to Onboarding can be restricted by unchecking a new permission in Security > User Profile > Rota Permissions > Personnel > Onboarding. 


Other Changes

  1. A brief description of the page you're on is now shown in the tab in your browser.
  2. When a candidate transfer to RotaMaster has failed because something is hidden in RotaMaster, we now show the name of what is hidden so it can easily be rectified. 
  3. Each page now shows a breadcrumb trail that will take you back to the relevant page when clicked. In a mobile view, only the last breadcrumb and a back arrow shows.
  4. We've made some improvements to our mobile views to make things easier to see and navigate in smaller screens.
  5. The file selector in mobile views has been changed to a single button instead of a space to drag files into, as this could not be used on mobile devices.

Bug Fixes

  1. When refreshing the page whilst on the candidate list, you're now taken back to the previous page instead of  page 1. 
  2. The logout button can now be accessed using only a keyboard. 
  3. When editing a candidate profile and changing the Subtype, role is no longer removed