Payroll with overtime

This export will provide you will relevant payroll data; it will have one line per Post and one line per Adjustment reason. You will be given the following information:

Payroll Number -  this is the staff Payroll ID which is recorded in the personnel record Personnel record>Personal>Finance References. 

First Name.


Start Date - Employee Start Date.

Sort Code - recorded in the personnel record Personnel record>Personal>Finance References. 

Account Number - recorded in the personnel record Personnel record>Personal>Finance References. 

Monday - Daily Working Hours for Monday - daily working hours are recorded in against the Post contract  Personnel record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Daily Working Hours. 

Tuesday - Daily Working Hours for Tuesday - daily working hours are recorded in against the Post contract  Personnel record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Daily Working Hours.

Wednesday - Daily Working Hours for Wednesday - daily working hours are recorded in against the Post contract  Personnel record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Daily Working Hours.

Thursday - Daily Working Hours for Thursday - daily working hours are recorded against the Post contract  Personnel record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Daily Working Hours.

Friday - Daily Working Hours for Friday - daily working hours are recorded in against the Post contract  Personnel record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Daily Working Hours.

Hours - Hours worked in that post - Contracted hours for a post are recorded against the Post contract  Personnel record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Contracted Hours. 

Annual Salary - Salary is recorded within the Post contract Personnel Record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Financials.

Monthly Salary - Salary is recorded within the Post contract Personnel Record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Financials.

Hourly Rate - Personnel Record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Financials>Edit Finance>Hourly rate for  overtime.

Pension - Personnel Record>Post>Contract>Edit Contract>Financials>Edit Finance>Pension Type

Hours worked over contracted

Overtime Hours

Total - Hours worked over contracted + Overtime Hours

Adjustment Type

Duration - total duration of adjustment hours

Value - total value of adjustments of that type

Total Mileage - Shows only on the first line of the primary post

Total Expenses - Shows only on the first line of the primary post

Net Deduction - for configured benefits, whether this is a deduction or advance payback payment. Benefits type is recorded against Personnel Record>Post>Benefits.  Benefit types are configured in Personnel>Reference Settings.