Pre-Post - Post Settings

Pre-Post - Post Settings

This article applies only to customers with the People+ Pre-Post module enabled. 

Post Settings are data we need such as Department Types and Locations, contract details, benefits and company details and are used in the creation of Posts & Contracts 

Wherever possible these setting should be added before creating Posts 

There will be a default Location Type/Location these cannot be deleted or edited. Any default will be displayed in bold. 

If you don't create your Location Types/Location before you create a Post, you will be able to edit it at a later date

To add the settings go to Personnel > Post Settings 

Down the left hand side of the screen you will see a list of settings that can be configured to your needs.

We will set up Location Type & Location first as these are mandatory fields when creating a Post


From the list down the left hand side of the screen select Location Type then click the Add button

Enter the name of the Location Type then click Save

Click the Add button

Create a Location name, then select the Location Type you previously created. Then add the address of the location. This is not a mandatory field.

Once complete click Save 

This is just one of the options that can be configured. The list down the left hand side of the screen gives all the other option and all options are set up in a similar way.