Reference Settings

In the Reference Setting section, you will be able to add subject types to the drop-down boxes that you will find in your staff's personnel records in RotaMaster. 

To add subject types, go to the Personnel Tab>Reference Settings.

This will bring up the following screen:

On the left-hand side of the screen, you will find a list of subjects that you can configure locally to suit your organisational needs.

On the right-hand side of the screen is where the types are displayed.

You may find that some subjects there are already pre-populated types, these are always displayed in bold.

You will still be able to add other types to these subjects.

To add a type, click on the subject heading from the list on the right-hand side of the screen. Click the green plus symbol. 

Enter the type you wish to see in your drop-down box (in this case Appraisal) then click Save.

You will now see your new type and will be able to choose this from the drop-down list in the Appraisal section of the personnel record.

Reference Setting information can be printed. The permission for this is off by default for users but can be enabled in Security > User Profile > Rota Permissions > Personnel > Reference Settings > Print. Local and system Administrators will always have the option to print. 

Once the setting is enabled, you can print any reference setting by clicking the printer icon when you are in the reference settings screen Personnel Tab>Reference Settings.