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- Onboarding
- Onboarding - Candidate
Rejected Document - Candidate Next Steps
What to do if a document gets rejected
If a document you have submitted via Onboarding has been rejected you will receive an email informing you which document has been rejected and prompting you to log in to view the comments and upload a new document.
Once you have logged back in you will see a progress bar on your dashboard and any outstanding documents.
Click on the rejected document to view any comments added by administrators.
💡Not sure how to tell which document has been rejected? Click on 'Documents' in the top menu bar to take you to a list of your documents with their statuses.
You will be able to see the admin Edit
This will take you back to the original document upload page, If you need to amend a comment you can do it here, or if you need to delete the old document and upload a new one clock the black cross next to the document and then select a new file
When you are ready click Edit and the document will be returned to admins for review.