Setting Administrator Rights And Adding New Profiles

In RotaMaster, each administrator can have different security rights - meaning that they can only perform limited actions/have access to certain information if required.

This can be broken down into three main levels;

System Administrator; can add/view/edit everything, across all Rota Groups

Local Administrator; can add/view/edit everything in specified Rota Groups

User; access to view/add/edit can be granted for each individual area of the system. I.e. Users could be created that can view, but not edit/add to Personnel Records, add but not delete Pay Rates and have no access to any rota functionality. Users are especially useful if, for example, different departments require access to RotaMaster for their own uses - such as Finance - without the need to access other areas.


Administrator rights are configured in the Configuration > Security section of RotaMaster;


Current profiles will be displayed on the right hand side of the screen;


In order to add new administrators profiles, click the green plus button and fill out the details as below;


Role: Select based on your preference for the user you are creating; System Administrator, Local Administrator or User

System Administrator - Profiles set as System Administrator cannot be edited. These users will have access to view/add/edit anything in the system.

Local Administrator - Local Administrator profiles can be configured further to give them access to only view/add/edit everything in specified Rota Groups;

User Type: Select based on which areas of the system the user will need access to.

Bothaccess to RotaMaster and Admin Staff Hub

RotaMaster Only - Admin Area of RotaMaster

Staff Hub OnlyAccess to Admin Web Portal only

Click Create.


The 'Rota Groups This User Has Access To' column shows all Rota Groups that this user can access. Clicking the red right arrow will move Rota Groups to 'Restricted Rota Groups', which are Rota Groups this user cannot access. When using People+ the 'Access HR Only Personnel' tick box will be shown. This allows the users to view any Personnel without a Rota Group that are in the 'HR Only' section.


User profiles can be edited heavily to give specific access to each area of the system. When a profile is created as user, when editing the profile there will be variouss tabs shown;

- User Details - the First/Surname of the user, username etc.

Rota Permissions - all sections in this area link up to the main tab menu of RotaMaster. Ie. Personnel, Rota, Finance+ etc.

Rota Group Permissions - this tab is used to give/remove access to Rota Groups

Web Permissions - all sections in this area link up to the  menu of the Admin Web Portal. Ie. Messaging, Content Management etc.

- Web Zone Permissions - defines which Zones this user can access/send messages to on the Web Portal


Rota Permissions

Rota Permissions are broken down into each area of the system. To remove access to a whole area - ie. Personnel - remove the tick from the Full Access box alongside the section name. Tick the Read Only box to give view only access to this user for this entire section.

Clicking the small grey arrow next to each section will open up the sub-sections for that area of the system, so that access can be given/removed for only certain sub-sections/fields within that area;


Any sections where the Read Only tick box is red cannot be set to Read Only. For example, add functions cannot be view-only.

Rota Group Permissions - the same as shown under 'Local Administrator' section above.


Staff Hub Permissions

Each Permission in this section relates to a headed section of the Staff Hub Portal. Similarly to the Rota Permissions, removing the Access tick next to a section - i.e Messaging - will remove all messaging rights from this profile.

Clicking the small grey arrow next to the heading name will open the sub-sections, allowing access to be removed for only certain sections of the system - for example Broadcast Messaging, as shown below.



Web Zone Permissions

This section allows access to certain Zones to be granted/removed. This is used to stop certain users sending messages for shifts in specific Zones.

The 'Permitted Zones' list shows all of the zones that this user can access. 'Restricted Zones' outlines any zones that they do not have access to. To move Zones between the two lists, use the arrows shown below.
