Setting Line Manager Access Rights

Please note this is a People+ only feature. 

Users can be granted Line Manager access to sections of personnel records, expenses, mileage, overtime, sickness, and leave  information, allowing them to see information for only the staff they line manage. 

  1. Personnel Records
  2. Expenses and Mileage
  3. Overtime
  4. Sickness
  5. Leave

To set this up the User profile has to be set to 'User' and be linked to a Personnel Record, both of these options are set up in Configuration>Security>Edit User Profile:

The user profile can be granted either full or read only Line Manager access to;

Personnel Records

Click Rota PermissionsPersonnel Manager >  If you wish to give line managers access to all sections within Personnel Manager, click the 'Line Manager Only' box on the far right hand side of 'Edit/View, you can then tick 'Full Access' which will give Line managers access to view, edit and delete information in each section that has 'Full Access' and 'Line Manager Only' ticked. OR you can tick 'Read Only' which will give them access to view the information and not edit/delete. All information, regardless of 'Full Access' or 'Read Only' will only be for the staff they line manage. 

If you wish to edit line management permissions to be more granular, to ensure they only have access to the information they need, you would just need to tick which sections you wish for them to have access too - For example, the below screenshot will  allow this line manager to 'Read Only' access of the Contact information and Emergency Contact information for the staff they line manage.

Expenses and Mileage

Click Self Service > Expenses & Milage> Manage Claim, and also Outstanding Claim tick Line Manager Only access on the right hand side, this then gives them line manager only access to expenses and mileage information.


Click Self Service > Sickness> tick Line Manager Only access on the right hand side this will then give line managers access to view sickness information for staff they line manage.

The user will only be able to see information for staff members their Personnel Record is set to line manage and will not be able to assign themselves as Line Managers to staff. For help setting up Line Managers, please click here


Click Self Service > Overtime and Manage Overtime > tick Line Manager only access on the right hand side this will then give line managers access to approve and manage overtime information for staff they line manage.

Management of Leave

Click Self Service > Leave Requests > tick Line Manager only access on the right hand side approve and manage leave for staff they line manage.

Note - you may wish to only give your line  managers access to approve and decline leave, as editing and deleting leave may have to go through your Human Resources department; to restrict their access further you would untick 'Full Access and Line Manager Only' against the sections within 'Manage Leave' you do not wish for line managers to access.