Submitting Documents

What happens when an administrator requests a document?

When a document(s) has been requested via Onboarding you will receive an email informing you, follow the link on the email to log in to Onboarding and submit the relevant information.

Once you have logged in you will see any pending documents on the home page under To do. To open a document, simply click on the one you want to action

Depending on the document type set by administrators there may be the following actions available to you on the outstanding document

1. Download a document

2. View a document

3. View a web page


Every document requirement will need you to

1. Upload a file

2. Submit the document


Download a document

Some document requirements may have a file attached allowing you to download the document ready to be completed and re-submitted. If when opening the requirement you see a 'Download' button you will be able to click it and the relevant document will be downloaded to your browser.


View a document

In addition to being able to download a document some requirements will allow you to view any attached documentation in your browser, clicking 'View' will open a view of the relevant document in a pop-up window

View a web page

Some documents will have a link to another web page assigned, to view this link simply click 'Open' and you will be redirected to what ever page has been linked. 


Upload a file

Each pending document will require you to upload a file, click 'Select Files'. Find the file you want to upload using your file browser and click 'Save'. The document will then show under the 'Files' box:

Submitting a document

Once you have uploaded the relevant file add a comment if you wish and when you're ready to submit the document to be reviewed by an admin click 'Submit'

You will be directed back to the documents page and the relevant document will now show as 'Submitted'

The documents will now be available for admins to review and you will receive an email informing you if the document has been approved or declined. 

💡What happens if my document is rejected? Click here to find out what to do next