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Viewing shifts up for Exchange
The exchange functionality is controlled centrally and access can be restricted by your service which means you may not have access to this section
RotaMaster gives you the ability to pick up shifts from another staff member. There are 2 types of shifts that can be exchanged:
1. Swap - You can pick up a shift by offering a shift in return
2. Deposit - A shift can be deposited by another staff member and you can pick that shift up as an extra
To check if there have been any any exchanges been put out click the Exchange tab:
You will be taken to the exchange page:
You will now see if there are any swaps or deposits - decide which you want and click the corresponding button (If a shift is deposited, you'll be able to click 'Take').
If you want to take a deposited shift this is what you will see:
If you still wish to take the shift click Take - you will receive an email giving you all the details and that it still has to be approved by your rota administrator.
If you wish to swap shifts click Swap - you will be given a list of your own shifts to select from:
Chose from the list which shift you would like to swap and click the Swap Icon . You will be warned if the shift you have selected breaks any of the Working Time Regulation rules or if it will overlap with another shift.
You will receive a message to say the swap was successful - this will still need to be authorised by your rota administrator.