Rota Groups and Teams are the two highest levels of the RotaMaster system hierarchy.
Rota Groups
Rota Groups are the top level of the RotaMaster hierarchy. All rotas and personnel records are configured under a Rota Group. RotaMaster Administrators can be given access to administer specific Rota Groups, allowing the system to host multiple separately managed services, whilst only allowing the appropriate people to access each one.
Rota Groups usually represent the separately managed services or locations in an organisation, but it really depends on the Operational/People management structure in your organisation. An example of Rota Groups in a Community Healthcare organisation could be;
- Community Outreach services
- Respite Facility
- Call Handling Centre
In a Residential Care Home group it would be more likely to be;
- Care Home 1
- Care Home 2
- Care Home 3
- Central Head Office Team
Personnel and administrators can easily work across various Rota Groups but will always have one Primary Rota Group where their Personnel Record is configured under a specific Team.
Teams sit under Rota Groups in the hierarchy, and contain your staff's Personnel Records. Teams allow you, among other things, to;
- Allocate a Team to a shift - only people within that team can then work it
- Report by Team - costings, shifts worked and others
An example of teams would be;
- Community Outreach Services (Rota Group)
- Support Workers (Team)
- Nurses (Team)
- Mental Health Practitioners
- Care Home 1
- Support Workers (Team)
- Senior Support Workers (Team)
- Management (Team)
Both Rota Groups and Teams are configured under Rota > Rota Settings > Rota Groups (or Teams)