Adding A Pay Rate Group

Adding A Pay Rate Group

Adding a Pay Rate Group

To add new Pay Rate Groups, select Pay Rates under the Finance+ tab.


To add a new Pay Rate Group, click the green plus button that is displayed at the top left of the page;

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The following dialog box will be displayed:

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  • Give the group a Group Name. This can be set as anything, but it is recommended that organisations have a naming convention for Pay Rates for ease of administration.

For example - GP Weekday Standard Rate, GP Weekend Standard Rate, GP Locum Rate etc.

Remember - Once these rates have been set up, they are assigned to shifts. Therefore, it's important that the name of each Pay Rate Group clearly defines what kind of shifts it should be used for.

  • Select a Zone (if applicable). If a Zone is selected, this Pay Rate Group will only be able to be assigned to shifts in that Zone. Later in the configuration process, the same Pay Rate Group can be set up to pay different rates for shifts in different Zones rather than selecting one Zone here. Click here to find out how to configure this.
  • Select an Active From date.
  • Select an Active Until date if applicable. If an active until date is selected this Pay Rate Group cannot be added to any shifts after this date. 

Once these details have been completed, you are configure the hourly pay rates that will be paid on the shifts with this Pay Rate Group. Click on the small green plus button under 'Pay Rates' on the right hand side of the dialogue box;

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Each Pay Rate Group can be configured with up to 24 different hourly rates. When a Pay Rate Group is assigned to a shift, it uses the Start/End times of a shift to decide which hourly Pay Rate to pay per hour.

For example, Doctors may be paid £25 an hour from 08:00-20:00 and £35 from 20:00 to 08:00. 

When you click the green plus button, the following will be shown;

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  • Start Time - this is the time that this hourly rate will become active on any shifts that it is assigned to
  • Hourly Rate - the rate that will be paid - per hour - for any hours after the 'Start Time'

Click Save.

IMPORTANT - Every Pay Rate Group must have AT LEAST a 00:00 Pay Rate. 

To add further Hourly Rates, click the green plus button again and repeat the steps shown above.

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The Pay Rate Group screen will show each different hourly rate that has been setup. In the example below, any shifts with this pay rate will pay;

  • £25 per hour from 08:00 - 20:00
  • £35 per hour from 20:00 - 08:00

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Click Save.

❗💡Pay Rate Group names in' View Rota' and 'Shift Pattern Manager' can be hidden for users by disabling permissions.

To hide Pay Rate Group Names  go to  Configuration>Security>click your user>click Rota Permissions>Rota> Shift Pattern Manager> untick 'View Pay Rate Group Name'.

Click Save - it will then confirm the security settings have been updated and saved.