Approving and Declining Expense and Mileage Claims

How to approve and decline expense and mileage claims

Please note that this article only applies to People+ customers. Please speak to your Account Manager about this module. 

Expenses and Mileage claims can be submitted by Staff Members and then approved/declined by Administrators. 

To approve/decline Expenses and Mileage claims, go to Self-Service > Expenses and Mileage. 

By Default the screen will show all outstanding expenses and mileage claims across all Rota Groups (subject to the user's administrative permissions). 

Rota Groups/Teams - To view claims for an individual Rota Group/Team, use the Rota Group and Team filters on the left hand side and click the refresh button. 

Name - To view claims for specific staff members, use the Name search and click the Search button; 

Claim Details

The top panel gives the following information for each claim;


- Expense Type 

- Miles, Passengers, Passenger Miles, Luggage, Luggage Miles - all relevant for mileage claims only

- Maximum (Claim amount for expense type - not relevant for Mileage claims)

- Value (claim amount) 

- Has Document (a blue tick will show here if the staff member has attached a document to the claim)

The bottom panel shows the following information; 

Details - general claim details, including start/end post code and engine size for mileage claims

Expense Comments, Passenger Notes and Luggage Notes - are all free text fields that can be filled out by staff when submitting claims. 

 Viewing Claim Document

Documents attached to claims can be viewed by selecting the claim and clicking View Document:

This will show any documents attached to the claim in a new window:


Approving/Declining Claims

Claims can be approved/declined by clicking the tick box next to the claim and then clicking either the blue tick (approve) or the red cross (decline). Note - multiple claims can be approved at once by ticking next to each appropriate claim and clicking the blue tick. Only one claim can be declined at once. 

Approving Claims

When Approving Claims, the following dialogue box will show; 


Once OK is clicked, the claim will change to approved on the Staff Web Portal and the staff member will receive an email. 

Declining Claims 

When Declining an claim, a text box prompt will show as below; 

Enter a comment and click Save. This will change the status of this claim to Declined on the Staff Web Portal and will send the staff member an email advising that the claim has been declined. 

Adding Receipts to Expenses and Mileage Claims

Receipts and other documents can be added to approved claims, to do this Click on Manage Claim, this will bring up a list of previously approved claims:

Select the claim you want to add the document to and either double click or press the edit pen to open the Edit Expense Claim box:

A document can be added here using the same process used to upload a document to a Personnel Record. For help with this click here