Budget Tracking

Budgets can be setup against each Rota Group in RotaMaster to allow cost tracking on a monthly and annual basis, with prompts if budgets are being exceeded and a tracking screen to help services keep track of staff costs over a period. Please click here to find out how to setup budgets for each Rota Group. 

Please note, if Budgeting is not switched on, please contact RotaMaster support and they will enable it for you. 

Viewing Budget Trackers

You can view how you are tracking against budget for each month/year from the View Rota screen, via the Budget Tracker tab.

Monthly Tracker

If you are over your budget then the figure will display in red, if you are under your budget then it will display in green.

You can see the following values on this monthly tracker section of this screen:

Budgeted Amount: This is the amount that has been entered against that month in the Budgeting tab of the Rota Group.

Amount Spent: The actual amount spent. This includes all the shifts and all the adjustments in the rota period, regardless of whether the shifts are assigned or not.

Overall Amount: This the budget amount minus the amount spent i.e. the amount you have remaining

Approved Rota Amount: You can approve a different amount from what was budgeted. See the Approving Values section below. This shows the amount that was approved but does not include adjustments

Actual Rota Amount: This shows the actual value of all of your shifts (but not adjustments) so that this can be compared to the approved amount.


Yearly tracker

The current year section displays year to date, i.e. how much you have spent on the rota from the beginning of the year (financial or calendar) until now (midnight on the day that you are looking). The last year and next year tabs show the entire year.

The following values can be seen on this screen:

Budgeted amount: Sum of the monthly budgets for that year

Amount Spent: Actual amount spent on shifts and adjustments in the time period

Overall Amount: budgeted amount – amount spent


Approving Value

To approve a proposed rota, go to the list view in View Rota and highlight all the shifts that you want to approve. Then go to the Other Icon and choose Approve Value

When a value has been approved, there will be a green arrow in the value column:

If the value has been changed from the default and has not been approved then it will show with a red arrow:

No arrow means that  the value has not changed from the default value but has not been approved for that month yet.

Please note that blocked shifts do not count towards the rota value. 


When you make a change that affects the value of a shift e.g. changing the start and end time, or adding a confirmed person to the shift, the system will check whether the change will take you over your budget or approved value for the month. If the change will take you over the monthly budget or the approved budget then the system will warn you:


Report 723 – Budgeting Report – reports on the budget and actual values