Configuring Lateness/Earliness Rules

Please note - this article only applies to customers with RotaMaster Attendance+. Speak to your Account Manager for more information.

When using RotaMaster Attendance+, users can define how early/late a staff member can be for a shift before an exception is created.

These rules are configured on a Rota Group basis, so certain services/areas of an organisation can be more flexible with their staff, for example.

To configure the rules, go to Attendance+ > Configuration;

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This will open the Configuation screen on the Rules tab. This will show the existing early/late rules that are configured for each Rota Group;

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 To edit the rules for a Rota Group, click on the Rota Group and click the blue edit pen at the top of the screen;

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This will open the Edit Rules screen;

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The rules, in order, reflect;

  • Login Before/After - if a staff member in this Rota Group logs in within these parameters, the system will automatically match their login to their shift. They will not be recorded as early/late and their shift values (if applicable) will remain unchanged.
  • Logout Before/After - same as above, but for logouts.
  • Relevance - any logins/logouts that fall between the times specified above and the Relevance times will be marked as Matched Exceptions. This means that the system knows the person attended and which shift they were logging into, but they will be classed as late/early. Their pay and shift hours will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Any logins/logouts that occur before/after the relevance periods will create Unmatched Exceptions. (Please click here for more information)This means that the system cannot match their login/logout to a shift and administrators have to manually match a login/logout to a shift. Their pay and shift hours will be adjusted accordingly. 

Set the parameters inline with the organisation's requirements and click Save.

These parameters will now be active in the system.