Moore Pay Export

This export can be imported directly into MoorePay and will show you the following information:

Company Code - This will always show blank.

ID Number - Payroll ID of the staff member. Payroll ID's set up in Personnel Manager>Personnel Record>Finance References.

Pay Code - this will return the contract code of the shift or the adjustment. Contract codes are added when creating shifts in Rota>Shift Pattern Manager, and the contract code for adjustments is set up in Rota>Rota Settings> Adjustment Reasons.

Department- this will be the Rota Group assigned to a shift. Rota Groups are set up in Rota > Rota Settings>Rota Groups.

Units - this will return the total value of the shift/adjustment. The value will be dependent on the pay rate pattern/group, or the session fee assigned to the shift/person. Find more about more about pay rate patterns/groups click here, for session fee information click here.