Quick Upload

Quick Upload

If you have changed the details of one/a small number of shifts, rather than completing a full Rota Upload you can use the Quick Upload function to quickly upload those shifts to the Web Portal.

This might useful if you have changed;

- The status of a shift

- The Confirmed Person in a shift

- The shift details, such as times/Duty Station/Zone


The Quick Upload button is located in the edit toolbar in View Rota/Rota Manager, shown below;

To Quick Upload a shift/number of shifts, select the shift(s) in the list and then click the Quick Upload button.


NB - to select multiple shifts either;

 - Hold CTRL and click the shifts

 - Click the first shift, hold SHIFT and then click the last shift

 - Hold CTRL and A to select all shifts in view.

Once the upload is completed, the following will be shown;