❕This article only applies to People+. For more information please contact our Support Team
What is an Annual Leave Configuration?
Annual Leave Configurations are assigned to Posts and are used to automatically calculate the leave allowance for that Post.
Each Annual Leave configuration outlines
- The Annual Leave Units (Hours, Days)
- Number of weekly hours that should be classed as 'Full Time'
- The 'Full Time' leave allowance
- Whether Bank Holidays are normal working days, or days off by default
- How many years of service a staff member should have before their allowance is increased; and by how much.
Using these settings and each person's contracted hours, their pro-rata leave allowance will be calculated taken tiered allowances and bank holiday entitlements into consideration
Creating an Annual Leave Configuration
The Annual Leave Configurations are created in Configuration > Annual Leave Configurations
This will open the Add Leave Configuration screen with a list of existing Configurations shown on the left hand side
To add a new Configuration type, click the 'Green plus' icon button highlighted above.
Populate the Configuration Name, Annual Leave Units (Hours, Days), Full Time Weekly Hours and Full Time Annual Leave Allowance in the top half of the screen.
In the lower half of the screen, users can add Tiered Allowances. This is used to outline additional leave allowances that should be granted to staff with X years of service in a certain post.
To add a Tiered Allowance, click the Add button shown below
Then, populate the number of Service Years and the Additional Allowance for staff that have those service years and click Save.
Clicking Include in the current leave year will include any additional allowance in the leave year the staff member hits the specified number of service years and selecting Pro rata leave will pro rata the amount based on when the staff member hit the anniversary,
If these options are left unticked the additional allowance will be added to the personnel record the leave year after they hit the specified anniversary.
💡The tiered allowance will be calculated based on the Continuous Service date in the Personnel Record.
This will now show in the Tiered Allowance screen. All existing Tiered Allowances can be edited/deleted using the blue edit pen or red cross, highlighted below;
💡Tiered allowances are cumulative, so if your staff members gain an additional day every year after working for the business for 5 years then you will need to add one day at 5 years, one at 6 etc as exampled above
Finally, select one of the two following options:
- Bank Holidays included (Bank holidays should be booked off. RotaMaster will add bank holidays to the above allowance on a pro rata basis)
- Bank Holidays not included (Bank Holidays do not need to be booked off. It is assumed staff will not work them)
If the Bank Holidays included option is selected and the configuration units are set to hours you will need to enter the number of additional hours you want added to staff leave per Bank Holiday day.
You will also need to decide whether bank holidays should be pro rata'd based on the amount of time the staff member has worked, e.g. 6 months of the year would receive half of the bank holidays, regardless of how many occurred during their active period, or whether they should receive a bank holiday allowance for each bank holiday that occurs during their active period.
✋Bank Holidays need to be configured in Configuration>Bank Holidays for them to accrue in Annual Leave Configurations. Click here for a guide on how to do this
Leave allowances that have been assigned to a person's Post are re-calculated when the following actions occur:
- Changing contracted hours on a Post
- When a person reaches their length of service milestone their leave allowance will be recalculated at midnight.
- A new leave year is set within the personnel record
- A new bank holiday is added
- A bank holiday is deleted
If you have any days or dates you do not want staff members with this Annual Leave Configuration to be able to request off, then click on the 'Unavailable Annual Leave' tab at the top of the box:
Here you can click the green plus button to add an unavailable leave date range:
Enter the relevant information and press Save
When you have finished your Annual Leave Configuration set up press 'Save and Exit'
💡Click here to find out how to assign an Annual Leave configuration to a Post.