Lunchtime Learning - 25 September 2024
Recording & summary of our September 2024 Lunchtime Learning session & links to more information about the topics covered
Mandatory Training Requirements (People+)
- We explore where to set-up your requirements and how to configure these at different levels of your organisation (company-wide; posts; rota groups etc.)
- Individual training templates can also be curated and applied to individual staff.
Maternity, Paternity & Adoption (People+)
- A dedicated area to record details about any of these types of leave taken by staff, with specific fields for key dates and milestones.
Role Groups
- A way to enable staff to work multiple roles as part of their contract.
- We highlight how role groups can be used in conjunction with pay rate patterns, further automating the right pay being applied, depending on role.
New Functionality
- When managing your rotas, there is now the option to span shifts up to a maximum of 48 hours.
- We have now added, 25 additional flags in Rota Settings.
- Shift Group names can now be up to 200 characters.
- Line Manager permissions can now be applied for the overtime; leave & sickness screens.