During this lunchtime learning, we explore:
- All six, of our built-in dashboards, visualising rota & personnel record information
- How the Staff Resource screen can display the number of filled & unfilled shifts per day, per Shift Group
- The four types of compliance that can be recorded for members of staff & healthcare professionals: professional registration; indemnity; DBS & performers list.
- The three methods of keeping informed of staff compliance: Personnel Compliance dashboard; Notifications & Reports.
- What happens when someone is allocated to a shift when their compliance has expired
Admin Account Templates
- How we can use templates to build a "profile of access" and apply that to multiple user accounts, instantly.
- Creating & applying templates to both new & existing administrator accounts
New Functionality
- Ability to export a list of staff that have missing or invalid emails, when sending payroll & invoices out to staff
- A new Pay Rate Pattern report displaying which pay rate patterns are assigned to staff, and, for People+ customers, for which post(s) - report 852 Personnel - Pay Rate Patterns
- Your selected filters within Shift Pattern Manager are now visible at the bottom of the screen
- A new option in the Fairness and Allocation screen in both the Personnel & Availability Allocation Wizards, to ensure that when shifts are linked, only staff able to work both are are allocated.
✨ A full overview of our latest release, version 119, can be found here